Fitra | Fitrana | Zakat Fitr | Zakatul Fitr | Zakaatul-Fitr | زكاة الفطر – POST DEADLINE


IMPORTANT: This is a restricted page, and only to be used for collecting Zakaatul-Fitr after we have confirmed with you the feasibility of buying and subsequently distributing it before the ‘Eed prayer tomorrow morning. Other than that, we are now closed for collection until 27th Ramadhaan 1446 | 2025, in shaa.-Allaah..

Want to discharge your Zakaatul-Fitr obligation but can’t find any poor and needy Muslims where you live?

Then send us your Zakaatul-Fitr payment, and in cooperation with Markaz Quba, it will be distributed in the legislated manner to the poor and needy Muslims on your behalf – before the ‘Eed prayer, in shaa.-Allaah.

Note: Zakaatul-Fitr will be collected at only £2.50 per person.

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