Fitra | Fitrana | Zakat Fitr | Zakatul Fitr | Zakaatul-Fitr | زكاة الفطر


We will be collecting Zakaatul-Fitr from 27th Ramadhaan 1446 | Thursday 27th March 2025, in shaa.-Allaah.

Want to discharge your Zakaatul-Fitr obligation but can’t find any poor and needy Muslims where you live?

Then send us your Zakaatul-Fitr payment, and in cooperation with Markaz Quba, it will be distributed in the legislated manner to the poor and needy Muslims on your behalf – before the ‘Eed prayer, in shaa.-Allaah.

Note: Zakaatul-Fitr will be collected at only £2.50 per person.

Temporarily Unavailable

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