Markaz Quba is home to hundreds of poor and needy students of knowledge (amongst them orphans) – which increases the benefit to be gained by having your Kaffarah | Expiation for breaking an Oath orders carried out there, in shaa.-Allaah.
Kaffarah | Expiation for breaking an Oath | كفارة اليمين
£2.00 – £2.90
In co-operation with Markaz Quba, we process all كفارة اليمين | Expiation for breaking an Oath orders in Nepal.
Note: Price listed is per person.
Be sure to select the correct option – corresponding to the total number of poor and needy Muslims you wish to feed, then add the total number below to the basket to calculate the total cost:
Our Service
The legal requirement is to free a slave, or feed or clothe ten poor and needy Muslims. If you cannot afford to do so, you may then fast for three days.
The cooked meal served to a poor and needy Muslim, comprises:
- 1 serving of rice (Plain / Pilau / Biryani);
- 1 serving of meat.
Reference: Fataawa Islaamiyyah – Volume 3, Page 481
Shaykh Ibn Baaz said: …the kaffaarah should be offered in the form of food, not cash, because this is what it says in the Qur.aan and Sunnah. What must be offered is half a saa’[1] of the local staple food, whether it be dates, wheat or something else. That is equivalent to approximately one-and-a-half kilograms. If you give them lunch or dinner, or give them clothes which are suitable for praying in – namely a thobe or a lower and upper garment (izaar and ridaa) – that is sufficient.
[1] One Saa` is equal to four (4) Mudd, and one (1) Mudd is equal to the amount held by cupping the two hands together. It is a measure by volume not by weight.
May Allah reward you all for your efforts in helping the ummah.
Jakak Allahu Khayaran you guys are honestly a pleasure to deal with, and in-sha-Allah look forward to working with your organisation again alhamdulilah.
Jazka Allah khayr, this is a very good service.
May Allah accept your efforts and reward you greatly.
May Allaah reward you all for the services you enable us Western Muslims (especially) fulfil.
4 reviews for Kaffarah | Expiation for breaking an Oath | كفارة اليمين
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
Isa Baig (verified owner) –
SubhanAllah, the transparency from the charity team was beautiful. Only a day or two later I was sent a video of children eating from the donation. May Allah bless those children!
Maryam Jama (verified owner) –
I did this twice and not only did the organization send speedy confirmation, they took video of the distribution as proof. Very trustworthy Ma Shaa Allah. Jazaakom Allahu Khayran.
Iliass El Yakoubi (verified owner) –
Al Hamdulillah I found this organization online while looking for a way to pay Kaffarah for breaking an oath and i’m pleasantly surprised. The customer service is impeccable, reached out to me via whatsapp very fast, confirmed and processed my order quick, and sent me a video proof of the people being fed with my expiation donation.
MashaAllah this is a trustworthy charity and I recommend it to anyone looking for such services at a very reasonable price too.
May Allah reward you all for your efforts and give you a special place in Jannah as well as the kids!
jazakumullahu khairan
HN (verified owner) –
Got this done very smoothly, Alhamdulillah.
They are also prompt and responsive on whatsapp in case there is anything to clarify.
I got the video confirmation of the distribution of food within 5 hours of the order confirmation.