Hajj on behalf of your parents or grandparents – alive or deceased, or other loved ones.
A qualified student of knowledge from Makkah or Madeenah – who has already performed his own hajj, and intends to perform hajj again – will be appointed to perform the hajj badal (Tamattu: umrah + hajj + sacrifice) on behalf of one person, as required. He will benefit from the funds he receives by allowing him to save his own money to maintain himself and his family whilst studying, in shaa.-Allaah. So your fee has a double benefit in having the hajj badal performed as well as helping a student of knowledge, in shaa.-Allaah.
This service is offered at a cost of only £2,049 for the hajj badal, including the sacrifice.
Tariq Hussain (verified owner) –
Jazak Allah for your service of doing Hajj E badal for my late Father.
May Allah swt Reward you abundently & accept all your good efforts.
Would recommend & use again.
T Hussain
Rosie Tee (verified owner) –
Asalam alaikum
We are crying.
May Allah swt bless you all.
You honestly do not know what you have done.
Jazak Allah khair.
R Tee
Mohammed Abbas Fazil Khan (verified owner) –
JazakAllah Khair for the effort to arrange, manage and complete Hajj e Badal on my behalf and on the behalf of my 2 daughters.
May Allah SWT Accept this Hajj on behalf of my deceased wife, Rukhsana Fazil.
May Allah SWT reward you and the Student of Knowledge Abd Allah Kaleem Allah Handsomely in this life and in the Hereafter, In Shaa Allah. Aameen Ya Rabb Al Aalameen.
I am honoured to provide a review for this Excellent Service you have provided.
M A Fazil Khan